Napoletana Pizza
2 cups (232g) King Arthur ‘00’ Pizza Flour
1/8 teaspoon instant yeast or active dry yeast
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons (8g) table salt
3/4 cup (170g) water, lukewarm, (105° to 115°F)
To make authentic Neapolitan pizza, get your mixing bowl, pour in 600ml of water and add 30g salt.
Mix this well using your hand to help dissolve the salt.
Add 100g (10% flour) to the water and mix it through with your hands until the flour dissolves. This will result in a crepe/pancake consistency.
Next, add the yeast to the mix helping it to quickly melt in the water using your fingers an mix through with your hand again.
Now, the important part, add the 5 Stagioni Neapolitan Flour using one hand, a small amount at a time, not all at once and mix with your other hand as you go.
Once the dough has started to come together really well, flip it out on to a bench and start to knead it with both hands absorbing all the remaining flour.
Keep working the dough until you find it has come together and has a smooth consistency.
Next you need to check if your dough has been worked enough and you have 2 options”:
Press down on the dough ball with one finger and if it bounces back, chances are, it’s ready!
Using a thermometer check the temperature of the dough by sticking it right into its core and aiming for a temperature of between 23°C – 26°C/ 73.4°C – 74.8°C
Once ready, place the Neapolitan pizza dough aside to rest on a flat surface, covering it with a damp cloth so it doesn’t dry out. Leave this to rest for at least 2hr.
Once 2hr have passed, it’s time to make your dough balls. To do this, cut a piece of your dough and weigh it on a scale aiming for 250g/8.8oz.
To make the dough ball, the easiest way, roll it in a circular motion over and again in the one spot, using the palm of your hand until you have a smooth surface, round ball.
Once you have made the Neapolitan pizza dough balls, place them in a flat surface air tight container. Leave this in an ambient location with a temperature between 16°C – 18°C / 60.8°F – 64.4°F for 24hr.
After 24hr your dough balls should have risen and are ready to use. Sprinkle flour on to the bench, placing the dough on top and starting an inch from the bottom and working your way an inch from the top, press down using your fingers. Then stop, turn it over and repeat until you have a small round base with a “cornicione” (crust).
Gently stretch this by then picking up the dough and slightly stretching it onto one forearm then flipping it onto the bench. Repeat this before shaping it into a circle and then resting it on your bench.